Thursday 12 November 2015

Make Each Day Count

Mohammed Ali famous quote "Don't count the days, make the days count" reminds me of two things: first, 'this day will never happen again' and secondly, 'spending today complaining of yesterday won't make tomorrow any better'. That reminds me that I must make every day count; it might be the last and therefore must be treated as precious.

Every day we have the opportunity to be happy, make a difference, and live life to the fullest. It's really up to us to choose those things that make each day count. We all have a limited time to walk this earth, so how can we use it in a positive way that adds a little sunshine to this world? Here are some suggestions for how we can make each day worthwhile.

Be Grateful
Being thankful for what we have, who we are, and all we do is the simple act of acknowledging all the good that's in our life. An attitude of gratitude shifts our focus away from our negative emotions, fears and daily irritations to thinking and feeling more positively. Sharing gratitude and appreciation with others is also a way to develop and enjoy meaningful and lasting relationships.

Learn Something New
Is there a subject you've always been curious about but feel like you don't have time to learn? Today, with the wealth of information available to us on the Web, we can discover and learn something new every day!

Do What You Love
Doing the things we love nourishes and inspires us. When we are passionate and engaged in the activities we love to do, we come alive, and we inspire others to do the same.

More than just praying for our children, prayer allows us to model for them the importance of taking our requests to a loving and gracious God.

Another way we can think about how to make each day count is to ask ourselves the questions, "If I only had a month left to live, what would I do?" and "Am I spending time doing what truly matters to me most?" We each have different things that are important to us, and engaging in those things we value the most will bring us more joy and happiness. When we choose to live a life we love, we will find ourselves in love with the life we're living.

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